Walked ito the woods in the dark Saturday morning
using a flashlight & dragging a scent rag on a short
string to where I was stepping on it to but it came
undone & fell off somewhere along my walk in... right
away at 1st light, I heard 2 separate groups of bucks
fighting, one off to the East end of the woods and one
back on the trail I walked in on to the South/West. They
were probably fighting over my friggin scent rag...
About 8:30 am this decent 8 point walks in and
intersects with the trail I walked on about 60 yards
from my stand. He starts sniffing the trail like a hound
dog, takes a few steps my way sniffing & then goes
back the other way & starts back trailing me...
seen that happen before, when using a real jucy rag
that dries out over a long walk. About 9 am a little fork
horn came in from the North East & bedded down over
in some thick stuff. Sat there till Noon, nothing else
happened other than a Hawk nailing a squirrel where
the Hawk had the squirrel's butt in one talan and it's
tail in the other... you talk about a squirrel that was
making some god awful noises as that Hawk swooped
away with it
Went to the oak line fence row to try &
see if I could put my climber up somewhere & found out
that it was all great big oaks or saplings. Found one big
oak that had a weird branch that grew out horizontal
for 6' & then up vertically. The branch was the size of a
good sized climbing tree. I used screw in steps to get
up & onto the 15' high branch & then some more screw
in steps to go up the vertical portion to where I lifted
my climber up with a rope & locked it on about 22' up.
Lifted up a bow saw & cleared some great shooting
lanes to both sides of the wide fence row. Went & got
some lunch and then parked out hidden in front of the
barn, slipped down the far North side of the fence & up
into the stand by 2:30. Between 2:30 & 6:00, I listened
to a couple guys blasting squirrels with a shotgun & a
22 back in the woods where I was hoping that the big
bucks & does would come out. About 6:20 the show
started... the feeding pattern I was counting on, was all
screwed up by pre-rut activity and/or the squirrel
hunters... I never saw either of the bigger bucks I saw
the week before but I watched to decent 6 pointers
chase 3 does all over the fields on either side of the
fencerow. Dang things never got close enough for me
to even get one of the does. Obviously the does aren't
receptive yet but these bucks were chasing them to the
point they both had to be getting wore out.... I thought
about taking a couple days off this coming week... but
my wife's on 3rd shift nights....